Posts with a # at the beginning are part of our story. They are from when Stacey was little. All the other posts are current day or have a year or age noted. If you're new here and want to start at the beginning, just find #1 and at the end is a link to the next part so you can read in order.
Enjoy! Thanks for being here! :)
The specialist diagnosed her with *delayed maturation of responsive vision* In other words, her eyes worked fine, she just didn't respond to anything she saw. He assured us she would catch up soon and sent us on our way. What a relief!!!
I remember the day she looked at us. We were late for church and sitting in the very back. She was in her car seat still and when Dad leaned down to her, her eyes lit up! He nudged me and we both got responses out of her! I think we spent the entire service just looking into her eyes and for the first time feeling like she saw us!
had no idea what was about to happen the next week!
On Tuesday I took her in to have a skin tag between her tushy cheeks checked. It had been there since birth but was turning black now. "Nothing to worry about, it's just falling off because her cheeks are rubbing it." Cool! Everything else looks great and off we go!
On Friday I went to the mall with the kids and my good friend Laura. I kept saying she seemed overly sleepy and wasn't nursing as well. I'd decided I would take her in if she looked the same the next day. That night we took the kids to ice cream to celebrate the end of a school year. I noticed some dark circles under her eyes and commented that "after this ice cream" I would cut out dairy and see if it was a dairy allergy causing them.
She seemed alert and content, but nursing in what I could best describe as a lazy way. The next morning we had a family style baby shower for a friend to attend and we were looking forward to a day at the Johnson's pool. I went to bed unconcerned and making mental notes of how to get everyone out of the house on time. Stacey nursed well around midnight and was tucked into her bassinet. I was going to take a shower so I would have less to do in the morning but made the mistake of sitting on my bed which led to just sleeping in my clothes...
I had no idea how there would be a blessing in that come
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